
International Day, Brings Families and Cultures Together!

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International Day took place on Saturday, April 22nd at the Ersha Campus of AISG. The event included booths from Student-led CCA as well as booths that represented various countries. 

Inside the gymnasium there were booths for many different countries like Jamaica, Germany, Japan, Korea, Latin America, and many more. The country booths were led by families, each booth had food originating from their country and even some traditional desserts. There were all sorts of food from Japanese desserts to German sausages and traditional Korean food. All the booths were decorated with flags, posters, and colourful designs. 

 The majority of Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) or student-led clubs were held outside with games and prizes. Including the different Roots and Shoots (R&S), Global Issues Network (GIN), StuCo, and many more. Some of the clubs like the Korean Culture Club (KCC) and GSA were inside the gymnasium alongside the country booths. 

 Some clubs had games and others had food. 

 “Our booth did ring toss, we do it every year, it’s like a roots and shoots people tradition. I think it was fun, everyone who came over was charismatic and friendly, and we had a lot of laughs. We prepared a couple weeks before, every Tuesday class we made posters, and our coordinators got the equipment and we decided on our country as Greece.” Dominika K., a sophomore and member of R&S People. 

 “It was very nice seeing all different cultures together in one community, the games were very fun, and having the AISG community there was very enjoyable. I thought the food at the Germany booth was really yummy. It was fun hanging out with my friends, I would go again next year.” Seamus B., a sophomore at AISG and attendee of International Day. 

 Heart to Heart, a club focused on reducing poverty, was one of the many students led booths at International Day, the game was to throw balls into cups to get points. The points would determine what prize the participant could win. Their prizes included stickers, different kinds of candy, and stuffed animals. 

 “I enjoyed managing the booths for my community services and I was able to bond with my friends and fellow members of the community service. However, I feel that this year’s one was not as festive as the one last year as they had a water dunk and movie night after international day. Overall, I think international day this year was a success!” Zi Xuan Y., a member of R&S Environment and GIN. 

 The Japanese Culture Club (JCC) was one of the booths inside the gymnasium. The booth held two games, the first game’s goal was to fish out water balloon yoyo with a paper hook, its Japanese name isヨーヨー釣り. The second game was to try and collect as much candy by using a paper scooper before it rips. 

 Overall, International Day was an exciting event connecting to many people’s cultures shared with family and friends of AISG students.  

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