
Is It Worth Skipping School for Activities?

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Season one activities, including choir, orchestra, and volleyball ended shortly after quarter one ended. APAC events are a great opportunity for athletes and performers to reunite with friends and meet new people. However, once they return from these tournaments, they are flooded with homework, tests, and quizzes they missed. The immense load work students are required to accomplish in their own times brings up the question of whether it is worth skipping school for APAC events.

Senior Gabriel K., who went to SEOMUN (Seoul MUN), said, “I have so much work and assignments that I have to get done. As soon as SEOMUN ended, it felt as if I just woke up from a really good dream. Now I have to go back to reality and start doing my work again.”

Kathleen W. missed her physics summative because of APAC dance. She said, “It is very stressful because the more time you spend not studying that subject, the more you forget, and during APAC you do not have any time to study.” Kathleen W. also missed three summative tests due to the robotics tournament she participated in the following week. However, even with the immense stress she receives from missing tests, she emphasizes how valuable it is to “not think about school.”

Ms. Brinkman, high school mathematics teacher, and our tennis coach, said that because she knew tennis practices were going to take up most of her time, she started to plan her lessons and schedules ahead. “Because I know that I do not have time after school, I use my school time, such as free periods and lunches to get some of my work done. It makes me more diligent.” She also added that APAC and other activities give people experiences and lessons that cannot be taught in school, such as teamwork and leadership skills.

Activities that require students to travel may take their time away from studying, but these trips teach lessons that cannot be taught by textbooks. What are your thoughts on this? Is it really worth skipping school for sports, performances or debates? Comment down below!

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