School Life

Is People Watching Creepy?

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People watching is the art of observing strangers as they interact with others or stroll past in a public place. This can be done at a park while sitting on a bench or at a restaurant while sitting at an outside table in a busy city. Some may believe that this concept is creepy and some think that this concept may be completely harmless.

For me, there is a fine line between harmless and creepy, but a people watcher has to know where this line starts and ends. People watching can be fun as people stroll pass, encountering problems or daily excitements, such as a lost and confused person or an excited kid about to get ice cream, but where does this become creepy?

I believe that if staring becomes longer than usual or the person notices you staring and you do not lose the eye contact, then this is where it becomes creepy. Also, if you engage with the person, then this is no longer a harmless hobby of people watching.

I have had many moments in China, where this fine line has been crossed. For example, once when I was walking with my friend, a man was sitting on a bench in the park and was watching people go by. As my friend and I walked past, the man kept staring even when he knew we had seen him staring. He kept eye contact and began to wave.

Personally, I believe that was too far. Waving and engaging with the strangers becomes creepy and uncomfortable. It is almost like breaking the fourth wall in a television show. As you are people watching, you are observing others in their everyday lives and as soon as you interrupt that routine, you have changed the dynamic of the “show” that is occurring and no longer is it people watching.

So, if you ever find yourself watching people pass by on a street, make sure to know where this thin line of creepy and harmless starts and ends. In my opinion, I would not recommend keeping eye contact or engaging with the subject and try to keep staring at a minimum.

This is just my opinion, but make sure to leave your own opinion in the comments below!

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