
Is Scientology a religion?

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According to the official Church of Scientology webpage, “Scientology is a religion that offers a precise path leading to a complete and certain understanding of one’s true spiritual nature and one’s relationship to self, family, groups, Mankind, all life forms, the material universe, and the spiritual universe and the Supreme Being. ” They claim the Scientology addresses the spirit and believes that Man is far more than a product of his/her environment.

Founded by American science-fiction writer, L Ron Hubbard, in the 1950’s, the Church of Scientology has been embroiled in controversy for most of its brief existence, whether battling the IRS for tax-exempt status or deflecting accusations of abuse. With only 7 countries extending Scientology official recognition as a religion, the world is decidedly skeptical about Scientology’s legitimacy.

Scientology IS a religion:

Simply defined, a religion is “a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.” Scientology’s followers support scientology’s philosophy as a religion. Moreover, Scientology shares characteristics with other religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and countless others. “Scientology helps man reconcile his lesser demons and cultivate positive behavior,” the Church claims. In such forms, Scientology is a religion like any other.

Many argue that Scientology is not a religion because the church requires payment for its services. While its tempting to deem any exchange of spiritual advice for money a sure sign of false prophecy, trading capital for religious guidance is as old as religion itself. Moses established tithings before any temple ever existed, and today’s Jewish diaspora communities pay dues to their synagogues. Similar to Scientology, the Vatican possesses billions of dollars in assets and derives income from spiritual activities alike. All religions require funding to support their activities and that funding necessarily comes from the religion’s followers.

Celebrities like John Travolta and Tom Cruis often credit their success to the church’s teachings. Even the church’s most vocal dissidents, like former Scientology leader Mike Rinder, concede that the religion provides useful techniques for self-improvement. If Scientology helps people to believe they are redeemed and arms them with tools to avoid further missteps, it achieves the same ends as other religions.

Skeptical, is it REALLY a religion?

In Scientology, the path to spiritual freedom is paved with corporal bondage, some detractors allege. Ex-scientologists have made shocking allegations of their treatment at the hands of the church, from detainment to physical violence, penal servitude, and forced abortions. Ex-Scientologists are encouraged to sever ties with those critical of the church, and are forbidden to consume any information from sources outside about Scientology. Scientology’s seeming desire for control over its followers’ lives feels more cultish than religious.

In Scientology, spiritual clarity doesn’t come cheap. Scientologists pay for courses, literature, and spiritual counseling sessions known as auditing. The church refers to fees for these services as donations, and while they call the spiritual freedom that accompanies Scientology “priceless,” they are careful not to specify how much one might “donate” to achieve a heightened state of spirituality. A Carnegie Mellon University professor estimated the cost of Scientology coursework alone as $300,000; ex-church members including Leah Remini and Paul Haggis have given similar estimates. For a small religion, thought to have less than 50,000 followers worldwide, that is supposedly a non-profit organization only focussed on spiritual work, The Church of Scientology’s wealth is well over 1 billion dollars.

In conclusion, Scientology has had an unconventional history and unusual management. But do there irregularities negate the impact of spiritual experiences on offer for its followers? What do you think?

For more information go to: The Official Webpage of the Church of Scientology, Liberty Magazine, People Ucalgary, Ezlink, and The Huffington Post.

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