
Kashmir, a State of Confusion

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The Indian government has recently revoked the special state status of Jammu and Kashmir due to rising tensions between the Muslim and Hindu factions. This region has been under lockdown and media blackout until these tensions are resolved. The government has also deployed 28,000 troops to the region in efforts to resolve the conflict.

All types of digital media and communication as well as methods of financial transaction have been temporarily suspended. This has resulted in the general discourse of Kashmir’s citizens. In revolt, citizens are taking to the streets and protesting for media and communication access. Several news agencies like Reuters, Al Jazeera, and BBC have shown videos of the police using tear gas during this protest. The media blackout has thoroughly impacted jobs and Kashmir’s economy, including the market shutdown. However, the Indian government has denied all claims pertaining to its harsh methods.

Since all forms of digital communication have been grounded, individuals have had to depend upon call centers for their means to external communication. Families have been separated due to military action and temporary borders that set Kashmir apart from the rest of India. Families have had to rely upon less than a 100 call centers that still have functioning phone lines for communication.

Several local Kashmiri journalists have reported the police “thrashed” them when they attempted to photograph or document the protests. According to Sameer Yassir from the New York Times, “the journalists have no access to to news wires or social media.” This media and communication blockage is bound to result in more mutiny in the Kashmir point, but will also destabilize the Indian economy. Several resources and manufacturing plants are located in Kashmir, but are unable to operate. Many Kashmir citizens have stopped working due to the media blackout, which has crippled several Kashmiri industries.

The government’s decision to close off the Kashmiri state from the rest of the country seems to be a rash decision, since doing so would simply escalate tensions within the state and harm the economy. The government has issued several statements proclaiming the media black out to be for the safety of the citizens, but the government’s severe actions may prolong conflict in the state as it will allow conflict between different religious factions to remain unchecked.

Due to the severe condition of the state of Kashmir, it seems imperative for the government to undertake actions to control and deescalate conflict in this region rather than quarantining Kashmir.

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