School Life

Kiss the Seniors Goodbye

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It is almost time to say goodbye to our seniors and many are sad that they are leaving but also proud and happy for their hard work and great achievements.  The community service group NHS(National Honor Society) is holding an event for students and teachers to purchase cards and gifts to deliver our sincerity, say goodbye, and to send our seniors out to the bigger world. The cards and gifts are sold from April 9th to 18th in front of the cafeteria during lunch. There are four purchase options with different prices. Option A costs 5 RMB with the combination of one card and three kisses (chocolate), options B is 10RMB with the combination of three kisses, one card, and a rose. Options C and D cost the same with the price of 15RMB, but the contents are different. Option C has a combination of two kisses, one card, and a grad bear whereas Option D includes two kisses , one card and an emoji pillow.

Come buy these during lunch and show your love to our seniors!

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