School Life

Make Events Special, Join Pulse.

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Pulse is a creative service group in charge of planning school events such as prom, Halloween dance and the winter social that meets every Wednesday after school from 3:15 to 4:30. Joining Pulse will definitely get you out of your shell, you’ll learn to interact with people, plan your own events and enjoy life. Ten years from now, these are the events you’re going to remember, rather than being at home studying math or English so come to the events and make some memories that will last your whole life!

Currently, Pulse meetings take place in Ms. Allan’s room, but they’re supervised by Mr. Tragert, the assistant principal which means we get some pull in the school (wink wink). Right now, Pulse is planning this year’s Halloween dance. Multiple activities will be included in this year’s dance, and all high school students are invited. The night will be filled with entertainment, spookiness, and mainly social activities with other students.

Pulse is welcoming anyone interested in joining. The more help the group receives, the better the events will be. Students who are interested in organizing events will enjoy Pulse, especially those who want to contribute to arranging events to make them better.

A picture taken during prom last year. More pictures can be found on the Pulse Facebook page.
A picture from prom last year. More pictures can be found on the Pulse Facebook page.

Last year, the highlight of all Pulse events was definitely prom. The event was held at the Four Seasons Hotel with magnificent preparation in advance. Of course, the food was delicious and the Pulse team put a lot of sweat and love into prom to make it memorable and fun. There were also other events that were extraordinary, like the Spring movie night based around social media. There’s nothing better then relaxing with your friends on a mountain of bean bags while watching movies. Not to mention, the cozy winter event in McCrawley’s was a huge success with chubby bunny and the grade king and queen court competitions.

The Pulse team will definitely try their best to make this year’s events truly special and unique. Pulse want all of you to come!  More information on the next event, the Halloween Dance, will be announced soon.



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