World News

Meghan Reveals the “Dark Secrets” of the Royal Family

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After leaving the Royal Family, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have gained independence from the Royal Family. As the public thought that the two families will not have any further interactions, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry spoke to Oprah during an interview, exposing the racism and mental issues that they faced after their marriage within the Royal Family.

Meghan Markle revealed her unpleasant experiences that she had to overcome after she entered the Royal Family. Words surrounding the skin tone and the title of Meghan Markle’s son Archie were brought up during the interview. According to Meghan, an unnamed Royal family member asked Prince Harry “How dark” will Archie’s skin color will be. However, whether this exchange actually occurred is unknown to the media and the general public.

President Biden, the current U.S. president, commented on Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s action to upstand for their mental health. Both President Biden and Hilary Clinton encouraged such action and backed Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.

As the ongoing battle between the Royal family and the couple continues, polarization between the opinions of both U.S. citizens and the British public throughout media was formed. Many U.S. citizens felt sympathetic towards Meghan Markle’s mistreatment in the Royal family as well as the racism that she had to face while she was pregnant. However, the British public held a different opinion and backed the Royal family who responded with careful language.

Most of the general public that backed the Royal family responded to the topics that were brought up during the interview stating that Archie, her son, didn’t receive a title, not because of his skin color, but because that Prince Harry is not a future monarch. And according to the Royal laws, a title that Meghan wanted would only take place if Archie will be a future monarch. However, because Prince Harry is first in line for the throne, Archie’s likelihood to become the future monarch is low. Further debates on the topic of Mental Health regarding HR’s rejection to support Meghan’s mental health also further polarized the two-sided debates. Many argued that the fact that Prince Harry is very experienced with mental health since the death of his mother makes Meghan’s argument seem weak and made up.

As this family chaos further escalated when different political figures backed different sides, polarization between U.S. and U.K. also escalated.

According to Ben K., a senior at AISG, the fact that this ongoing debate is causing polarization between the two countries also showed how “the vast development of the media and globalization’s impact on the current global issue”, and that the media should be “moving on to other world news that needs more spotlight”.

The Response

After the interview was released, the Royal family responded with a well-crafted letter with every word carefully polished to avoid further damage to the reputation of the Royal family.

The letter from the Royal family states that they welcome the couple back to the family. They realize the misunderstanding that stands between the two sides and is willing to work towards the issues that they brought up during the interview.

However, this response only evoked more anger among the already angered public. As more Royals backed the Royal family and criticized the couple, this ongoing debate continues to trigger anger and conflict

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