School Events

Migrant Link’s Annual Valentine’s Day Sale

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Migrant Link will be holding a sale for Valentine’s Day from January 1 to February 1. They will be selling many different types of valentines, ranging from cards to teddy bears. You can get valentines for anyone special in your life, such as your friends, crush, family or your teachers. The valentines will be delivered on February 8 because Valentine’s Day falls on Chinese New Year break.

Valentine’s Day is an annual holiday that takes place on February 14. On this day, people send each other gifts, such as flowers, cards and chocolates to express their affection for each other. This holiday was named after Saint Valentine, a Catholic priest who helped Roman soldiers get married secretly despite the law during that time that soldiers could not get married. Eventually, he was caught and executed on February 14. However, his reputation for believing in the importance of love stayed.

Many people have different opinions on Valentine’s Day. Henry Y., a freshman, believes that this holiday is necessary. He said, “People can express their feelings for each other on this day without it being awkward.” Ben K., also a freshman, laments on how all his friends are in a relationship except for him. He said, “It makes me more sad, depressed, miserable and lonely.” Freshman Kathleen H. thinks that it is not useful as “it is just a business technique to get people to buy more candy, bears and flowers”. Instead, freshman Lily L. says, “I think it is useful as you can tell your friends how much you love them.”

The sales for Valentine’s Day will start this week in front of the cafeteria. All proceeds from this event will go to supporting local children in Kaiping, China.

Valentines include:

  • Card + Kisses: 5 RMB
  • Card + Kisses + Heart Cookies: 15 RMB
  • Card + Rose + Heart Cookies: 20 RMB
  • Card + Rose + Teddy Bear: 30 RMB
  • Card + Rose + Soap Rose: 50 RMB

Love you!

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