School Life

More Rock and Less Jazz

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There is a wide range of music we listen to every day—so, why can’t we find it here at school? At AISG, there are 3 classes that focus on music. These include Choir, String Ensemble, and Wood Ensemble. These classes teach students to play musical instruments such as violin, and more classical genres. I find that schools should be more open to different genres in their course offerings. Some students find their musical interests in other instruments such as the guitar, because of the wide musical range it can give. I’m going to be using guitars as my main example here. After school activities offer clubs like APAC Band and Jazz Band, but in these clubs, there still isn’t too much musical versatility.

There is a long list of music genres like rock, punk, pop, blues and many more, but it seems that only two appear at school. As teenagers, we are at an age when we start deciding what we would like to be doing in the future. Music is an important part of that. Some may grow up wanting to become musicians, and they would like be playing the popular music that many people will enjoy listening to. An idea for the school is that we can open more clubs that let us bring our instruments and enjoy playing them with fellow students, or add some instruments into the musical classes.

There are many benefits to increasing music diversity in school. It gives students interest to spark their creative minds. Creativity is an important asset a student needs. Music is a great way for them to develop such skills, which will also help improve their work in more academic fields.

For now, until the school decides to do something, I have some advice for learning by yourself. For me, I learned my instrument from watching online videos. Guitarlesson365 is a great resource for guitar players. The Dummies books could be helpful for almost anything. I think if you’re passionate about something, you will find a way. But if you want more information and the resources handed to you, here are some links (I’m a guitar player so these are just links for learning guitar):

  • offers everything you need to know, if you’re cheap you can always sign up over and over for a free trial with a new email.
  •  is absolutely free and resourceful

This playlist was extracted from GuitarLesson365 – youtube

This playlist was extracted from Andy Guitar – youtube

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