School Events

This Year’s Musical: The Little Shop of Horrors

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Have you ever imagined a man-eating plant? Well, you will be meeting one soon at this year’s musical, ‘The Little Shop of Horrors’.

The Little Shop of Horrors is a tragic story about a flower shop assistant Seymour and his unusually human-attracting plant Audrey II (named after a girl Seymour likes).  The plant attracts many people for the business. However, there is a cost. The bigger the plant gets, the more people get attracted to the business and there is only one way to make Audrey II larger: feed it with human flesh and blood.

The Little Shop of Horrors was first introduced to the world in 1960 as a black comedy film by Roger Corman.It was then turned in to a musical in 1982 by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman. The performance has won many awards including the Drama Critics Circe Award for Best Musical.

Interviewing Manogya Chandar, a senior who plays Audrey (female main character) in the musical, she revealed many secrets about the musical. She is also a very experienced musical member as she has been participating in the musical for all 4 years of high school. She loves to perform and the feeling she gets when she is on the stage. She really enjoys the feeling and the moment of cooperation and being a part of the musical.

What is the reason people should watch the musical?

Manogya Chandar replied, “We as a cast are very dedicated, and are trying our best to make this musical as successful and enjoyable as possible.”

She also claimed, “The musical itself is quite famous and features many fun songs and a heartfelt storyline.”  She ended her interview with a hoping that this will be a successful musical performance. “It’s really nice when people come out to support our cast and theater in general. I definitely recommend attending”

Aini Chew, a junior who plays a role of Orin Scrivelo (Audrey’s abusive ex-boyfriend), and is an experienced musical member claimed that “As this year’s musical will be first musical played at our school’s newly built theatre,  and many eccentric characters will be waiting for the audience!”

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