
N.Korea’s Show to Bring Temporary Peace

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 Moon Jae-in, the 19th president of the Republic of Korea, focuses on the peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula, contrasting with the previous 2 president’s hostile attitude toward North Korea. Even Times Magazine presented him an appellation of ‘The Negotiator’ for his efforts to maintain peace in Korea.

 President Moon had three different inter-Korean summits this April, May, and September. In these summits, president Moon and North Korea’s supreme leader Kim Jong-Eun had reached an agreement to end the war not ceasefire and close of nuclear testing ground in North Korea. To put this promise into practice, South Korea has deleted the ROK-US combined operation training and has demolished guard post on military demarcation line.

Image by chosun-ilbo

 This sounds like peace is coming to South Korea, but it is not. North Korea has agreed with the end of the war but has again launched an ICBM (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile) on September 29th, 2017. Moreover, North Korea has only shut the nuclear testing ground but not the nuclear launch equipment, which leaves the possibility of launching a nuclear missile at any time. Lastly, North Korea is not demolishing guard post on military demarcation line. The picture at left is South Korea’s evacuation of guard post with dynamite, but North Korea is deleting their guard post with hammers. Such meaningless efforts that only show on the surface clearly shows the feeble effort North Korea is making to bring ‘peace’ in Korea.


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