School Life

NCHS Staff Christmas Celebration

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In the last Thursday before winter break, the National Chinese Honor Society (NCHS) and several AISG faculty members held a small Christmas celebration for the school’s Chinese staff members, including the technicians, cafeteria workers, security guards and Ayis. It is important that students take the time to appreciate these staff members for all the tireless work they perform to maintain a clean, sustainable and comfortable environment for students.

After an address by Mr. Timmerman and Mr. Bunnell in Mandarin, the NCHS and faculty sang two songs for the staff: 祝你圣诞快乐 (Merry Christmas to You) and Jingle Bells. The faculty and NCHS students had an especially joyous experience singing these Christmas carols for the school’s staff members. After the carols, the NCHS and faculty then proceeded to hand out gifts and presents to all staff members. The NCHS also helped out with serving food out to all of the staff members.

The NCHS contributed a substantial amount of time to plan and organise this event for school staff members, as the knew that it was essential that the staff members be appreciated for all of the hard work they do for the school. The NCHS was responsible for purchasing and packing all of the gifts as well as communicating with staff members during the events. The NCHS hopes to further the interaction between students and staff members so that students will not only be able to properly thank and appreciate staff members, but also gain insight into the functions and characteristics of the community and the culture that they are a part of.

The NCHS will continue to have other staff celebratory events throughout the year and would like to remind students to thank and appreciate staff members for their work as often as possible. As students, it is also our responsibility to ensure that everyone feels welcome and recognised in the community. We should also seek to improve our relationships with staff members so that we can promote a more interconnected school community.

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