
New Year Resolutions

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After the festive celebration of New Years, many people were eager to set new goals for the coming year. While most people seldom keep to their goals till the end of the year, it is still expected that they will make progress on their goals as a new year means a new you. After all, there are some ways that people can remember and actively achieve their goals.

Some of the most popular New Years resolutions of 2017 involve getting healthier and more organized, although student goals often involve spending time with their family. This year in a study done by iQuanti, there were more than 62 million Google searches that included the resolution of improving one’s wellbeing. It was also found by the investigation that most people planned to approach this goal by exercising more. Gym fitness, one of the most common ways of getting fit, has become a large part of people’s lifestyle. Although getting fit is one the most commonly set New Years resolutions,  many people scarcely remember to keep to their regular fitness schedule. If one actually wishes to make such a change, improving their organization may also come in handy. Sometimes setting a daily timetable, making a reminder, or using their cellphone alarm could improve how people remember their commitment. On the other hand, in most cases, it is not a person’s memory that is the problem, but their willpower to keep to their goal.

In order for one to keep to their goal, it would be advisable to receive support from a friend, or to set goals that they can keep up with. When setting a goal it is ideal to have a person who will constantly the remind the individual to stay with their goal, one who will not let the person hinder your chances of achieving their goals. This person will be someone who the goal setter is close to, and often spends time with as the individual can constantly be monitored. A person should also only set goals that are realistic as it is often easier to fulfill goals in small quantities as it does not stress a person, and force them quite trying to persevere in order to achieve their goal. Mr. Webster, whom is very skilled and coordinated when it comes to goal setting suggests that “students should not set goals that are too ambitious, or unattainable.” This being said, one must also have the will to pursue their goal. Besides approaching a goal in small steps, one must also remember to set dates in which they hope to start or finish their goal as this will result in people continuously putting off their goal.

While goal setting and the actual achievement of a goal are two different challenges, one must remember that having an effective plan on how to approach a goal is crucial to the process. Most people often continue to fail at achieving a goal due to the fact that they try to attain a goal all in one go, where as it would be more effective to split one’s goal into smaller portions that can be easily accomplished in short amounts of time. Setting an effective plan for a New Year Resolution is part of the recipe towards fulfilling a goal, but one must also persevere through challenges that are thrown at them, perhaps a temptation to eat fattening food, perhaps lethargic feelings towards going to the gym. New Year resolutions are tiresome to pursue as people often find themselves having to face several ramifications, but in the end, the rewards one receives from the achievement of their goal are immeasurable.

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