School Life

New Year’s Resolutions: How to Keep Them

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2018. It’s a chance for a brand new start. Thinking of a resolution can help guide you towards becoming a better person. Keeping this resolution, however, is a very challenging task if you realize that only 8 percent of people actually keep their resolutions after January. In this article, you will learn two ways of improving yourself and finally succeeding in keeping your New Year’s Resolutions.

One interesting way of keeping your resolutions is sharing them with your friends. This allows positive peer pressure, for example, if you tell your friends that you will go and eat less junk food, and then invite them over to McDonald’s, they will be able to remind you of your resolution. Freshman Dylan W, who has personal experiences in forgetting about his resolutions, uses this method to remind himself.

Another way of keeping your resolutions is to give rewards to yourself after completing parts of them. This motivates you to work harder and achieve your goals that you made. Freshman Robbie H said that “rewarding [himself] always helps [him] keep [his] resolutions, even when times are hard.” Rewarding yourself also produces happiness, as after finishing a task, you feel a sense of achievement for finally receiving the reward. Freshman Henry Y. thinks that feeling a sense of achievement can “help you do it again.”

Resolutions can help one improve their life dramatically by changing the way they do things and the way they think. Telling your friends and rewarding yourself can be critical in keeping these life changing resolutions.

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