School Events

NHS and NCHS Induction Ceremony

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On Wednesday, March 1, 2017, the National Honor Society (NHS) and the National Chinese Honor Society (NCHS) had their induction ceremonies.

Like last year, the induction ceremony took place in 227/228 and a total of 17 members were inducted, twelve new members were inducted into the NHS and five new members were inducted into NCHS. Senior Eileen Qiu opened the ceremony with the first movement “Allemande” from “Partita for Violin No. 2 in D Minor” by Johann Sebastian Bach. After the beautiful performance, the HS Principal, Kerry Timmerman, delivered the opening remarks and presented the audience and members of both NHS and NCHS with a challenge to do a good turn.

The NCHS inductees lit candles to represent their admittance into NCHS, after which they received certificates. The NHS inductees were inducted by an NHS member who gave a speech of the inductee, after which the NHS inductee received the NHS pin. Applauses were sounded and the ceremony ended with M&Ms, chips, soft drink and cake for those in attendance. Congratulations to all of the new members.

NHS Inductees:

  • Tiffany Chan
  • Mangoya Chandar
  • Minseok Choi
  • Maria Elena Little Endara
  • Kelvin Fan
  • Joyce Feng
  • Phoebe Guan
  • Asheley Kim
  • Jaemin Kim
  • So Eun Lee
  • Rebecca Renfrow
  • Michael Zhou

NCHS Inductees:

  • Ga Hyeon Choi
  • Soo Kyung Hwang
  • Na Hyun Kim
  • Gyu Won Lee
  • Da Bin Seo
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