School Events

Pajama and International Day 2015

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International day

Pajama and International Day 2015

On Monday the 25th of October, spirit week began. AISG students got to wear their favorite pajamas to school.

Pajama Day was exciting: many students wore pajamas to school, and it was quite interesting and colorful to see students in their different sleepwear. A few students gave feedback on Pajama Day: 11th grader Punya said, “Pajama day was really fun because we got to wake up in the morning and go to school. And it was pretty chill.”

Tuesday the 26th of October was International Day where students and teachers wore lovely clothes from their home countries. It was fascinating to see students wear their international outfits and it was quite diverse. When interviewed many students thought international day was fun, but some thought it would have been more exciting if there was some form of competition within the student body, or even with teachers, with a prize for those who participated, so everyone would wear their costumes and show their cultural differences. 10th grader Cassidy said, “International day was the best spirit week day because I have a reason to wear Independence Day clothes in China.”

Even though not every student participated in Pajama and International Day, the students who participated felt it was interesting and exciting to see different cultures on International Day, and wear pajamas to school.

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