
Poetic World

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April is seen as the poetry month, therefore in AISG we celebrate it with an activity known as Jumble Poem. This activity consists of giving each homeroom a envelope with random words so that the students can try and write a poem. This tradition has always been carried out by the library staff.

Here is what Miss Navis said about Jumble Poem:

What we are trying to do is to make the students appreciate poetry as it is. Last week we started by reading poems out loud in the library, this week is the Jumble Poem event. The homeroom who has the most creative poem will win a treat and will have their poem displayed in the library.

The winners from each grade were:

Grade 9 Saunders

Grade 10 Barga

Grade 11 Baier

Grade 12 Boulton

Also, there were some honorable mentions to:

Mr. Murphy’s and Mr. Wang’s homeroom

Make sure you check out all the poems which will be displayed in the library.

Keep the AISG tradition alive!

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