
Popular Games Around AISG

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Between classes and during classes, some AISG students browse social media websites like Facebook or Twitter, while some students hop onto their laptops or phones to play games, giving their brains a bit of a break. Games can be intense and exciting, however they can also be light and relaxing. Three of the many games that are circulating around AISG include: Stack, Clash Royale, and BBTAN.


Stack is a new mobile game released on both Apple and Android from the company Ketchapp. It’s a simple game that involves stacking blocks on top of other blocks. The trick is that the block is moving from right to left and left to right, and you have to time it so that the block will stack on top of the other blocks. If you miss, it falls down into nothingness. If only part of it lands on top, the rest of the block will fall into the nothingness and the following blocks are of the same size. Eventually the block will be small as a pixel and moving back and forth at super speed until you lose. Easily the next “Flappy Bird”, Stack may lead to the discovery of latent anger and frustration in one’s soul.

“Stack up the blocks as high as you can!”

Clash Royale

Clash Royale is a new mobile Arena_Clash_RoyakeMMO strategy game, released in March 2nd, that involves the usage of cards and elixir (similar to the concept of other online Card games such as Hearthstone that uses cards and mana) to summon out troops that appear on a gridded battlefield. It’s a really basic tower defense, troops, and base MOBA game as you only have two towers and a base. The player has cards that are troops, which when summoned, rush to the enemies side to attack their base or troops. The opponent has the same layout and also have cards that are used to counter the attacks that you may play. For more information, read this article.

“Enter the Arena! From the creators of Clash of Clans comes a real-time multiplayer game starring the Royales, your favorite Clash characters and much, much more.”


BBTAN is a more old, new mobile arcade game that sports something similar to the classic “balloon popper” in a rather clean and cosmic way. Released in December 10, 2015, BBTAN can still be seen around AISG during break times as numerous students pull out their phones to shoot the numbered squares with a satellite. Combining several aspects of both modern and classic games, BBTAN is an arcade mashup of classics like Pong and Poppit with CrossyRoad. The central objective of the game is to clear waves of numbered square. To do this, the player shoots satellites (moons, suns, etc.) at numbered squares (if the squares have a number like 3, the square needs to be hit 3 times) in hopes of eliminating the square. During the course of the endless waves, the player may encounter coins which can be used to obtain new satellites through a coin and gift system. Though BBTAN may be fun, beware of the abyss of listlessness that it may drag one into.

“BBTAN!!! Swipe your finger down to throw balls and break bricks! The angle is key point!”

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