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Pudong Quiz Bowl Team Tops Over AISG

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Pudong Quiz Bowl team walked away with first place trophy Saturday after bettering AISG team. On February 15th and 16th, there was an Invitational Quiz Tournament in AISG theater. The tournament drew in fierce competition in categories such as mathematics, chemistry, history, literature, and geography. There were seven teams in total, four teams were from AISG, two teams from Pudong, and one team from Puxi. Below shows the members of the AISG quiz bowl teams:

Team A:
Abby P.
Ben L.
Jennifer Y. (Captain)
Terry M.

Team B:
Billy B.
Harry N.
Jet C. (Captain)
Martin W.

Team C:
Bryan Y.
Caeley K. 
Ishita A.
Simran L.

Team D:
Andy J.
Chrisee Z.
Stanley W. (Captain)


The AISG students practiced every Tuesday and Thursday after school. However, team D was made only a month before the Guangzhou invitational. Thus, they didn’t have a lot of time to practice the game. Andy J., a member of team D said “One of our teammates was in APAC Band and had to attend the rehearsals, so we never got to practice as a full team. Compared to other teams, our team definitely did not have enough practice time, but it was good to practice and learn the rules and logistics of quiz bowl”.

There were several difficulties during the preparation of the tournament. One of the members of team C has dropped out entirely from the group just before the tournament. As the result, Simran, a sophomore, had to replace the position. Moreover, another Team C member didn’t show up on the first day of the competition. Thus, Ishita (the Captain of team C) had to lead the game only with three members.

AISG Team D and Team A were the strongest teams among other participating teams. Team D won all their games until one of the rounds with Team A. Andy J., the member of Team D said “AISG A team is a really strong team. Before the game against them, my team knew that it would be a really hard game to win, so we said to ourselves to just try our best, but not be disappointed even if we lose”. In fact, AISG team lost at the final match with Pudong A team. Pudong A team showed its strength in all areas of studies. Not only that, they’ve shown great sportsmanship.

AISG team A – all juniors – and Pudong team A had a complicated last match. AISG team A was taking the lead of the game in the beginning. However, they’ve got one of the tossup question wrong. Although they corrected their answer immediately, the moderator didn’t accept it. This gave Pudong team A a crucial chance to catch up their score. The Quiz Bowl tournament has ended with Pudong Team A receiving first place, and AISG Teams A and D receiving second and a third place respectively.

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