
Refugee Policies Tightened Across Scandinavia

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Europe is facing the worst migrant crisis since World War II. More than a million migrants entered the continent in 2015, not including the great number of refugees dying on the way. Many European nations took steps towards tightening refugee policies this week, sending a strong message to both asylum seekers and fellow Europeans alike: the refugees have proved to be too much for these European societies to calmly absorb.


Denmark passed a new law last Tuesday, which allows police to search for cash and valuables on incoming refugees. Any item worth more than 10000 Kroner (1000 Euros), including jewelry, cell phones, and computers can be confiscated, and will be used to cover the cost of each asylum seeker. Similar laws have been adopted in Switzerland and Germany. In Denmark, this law will undoubtedly act as a deterrent, reducing the numbers of refugees entering the Scandinavian country.

Items holding special sentimental value, like wedding rings and medals, will not be taken from their owners.

This new controversial law sparked huge debate, with many human rights groups criticising it, some comparing it to the Nazi confiscation of Jewish possessions during the Second World War. Denmark’s image as a leader in human rights and human development might be taking a turn for the worse.

“When people have lost their homes, their lives are in ruins, how can you take things from them?” asked a disappointed asylum seeker. “Everyone knows that without money you cannot travel, sleep or eat. Are they telling people to go out and steal?”

Danish lawmakers, however, point out that the nation spends the most money on refugees, as a proportion of its economy, according to the IMF. The nation is still very generous, and the law is a “fair deal,” says the government. The idea is that asylum seekers should give back to the host nation.

“All Danish citizens and refugees coming here receive universal health care; you receive education from preschool to university, and you receive elderly care; you receive language training and integration training free of charge, paid for by the government,” said Jakob Ellemann-Jensen of Denmark’s ruling liberal party.


SD-sympatisörer inför EU-valet 2014
“In Sweden, an anti-immigration party, the Sweden Democrats, has soared in popularity, polling at about 20% in recent polls”-CNN (Photo from Wikipedia)

Like Germany, Sweden was quick to take up responsibility for migrants in the refugee crisis, offering aid and hospitality . “Last year we received more than 170,000 asylum seekers in one year — that’s in a country with about 9.5 million people,” said a Swedish parliament member. In other words, Sweden is taking in the highest amount of migrants per capita.

The massive influx of migrants isn’t dissipating either, forcing the nation to reject many asylum requests. It is estimated that Sweden will reject around 45% or approximately 80,000 of asylum seekers this year.

“It’s that 163,000 people were seeking asylum in Sweden last year and, due to this increase, there will also be an increase in how many … don’t stay,” said Sweden’s interior minister.

Sweden is now considering the use of charter flights, coordinating with Germany to deport migrants.

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