
Rogue One: A Movie Review

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Rogue-One-legos 2The Force is Strong with Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

 4/5 stars

 The force is back with a strong pull on audiences everywhere. Director Gareth Edwards brings the allure of the original trilogy, with a diverse cast of the unsung heroes.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is a prequel to the original Star Wars trilogy, which introduced fans around the world to a galaxy far, far away that they all loved. The story follows the unsung heroes who played a vital role in the destruction of the original Death Star in Star Wars: A New Hope. Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones), daughter of Galen Erso (Mads Mikklesen), has been hiding away in the galaxy for years due to her family’s connection with the Empire. However, she is found by the Rebellion (an organization that leads a rebellion against the Galactic Empire) and recruited to join their cause. She embarks on a mission across the galaxy to allow the Rebellion a fighting chance against the Empire, a fascist government that claims control over the entire galaxy. She is joined by comrades and droids from all over the galaxy, bringing a sense of unity within the diversity.

Director Edwards brings together one of the most diverse casts seen in a Hollywood film to date. Each character is portrayed with a sense of depth and emotion, giving the audience chills throughout the movie. Actors, Riz Ahmed, Diego Luna, Jiang Wen, and Donnie Yen, all give memorable performances in the film. They capture the true essence of their characters while making them both relatable and lovable. Being the only female lead in the film, Felicity Jones stuns audiences; she is a symbol of female empowerment, and she shows viewers who is boss. The overall cast’s on-screen presence as a group puts audiences on an emotional rollercoaster with laughs and tears. In addition, fans are delighted with cameos (C3PO, R2D2, Princess Leia, Obi Wan Kenobi, etc.) of their favorite characters from the original Star Wars Saga.

The plot is a refreshing, realistic approach to the science fiction realm. They showcase both the good and bad side of characters, making them human and heroic. Edwards ties in humor, action, thrill and philosophical life lessons a viewer would not expect from their average Star Wars movie. They are unexpectedly hit with an ending that could leave them either in tears or angry. However, despite the variety of emotions and characters within the film, at times the plot feels choppy. There are times where there is too much action and other times where there is not enough.

The film brings a change to the beloved Star Wars universe; one that fans would be more than willing to embrace. And, it provides them with the galactic, adventurous experience they can never get enough of.

45 recommended
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