School Life

Season One of APAC Sports is Moving Fast, and Team Spirit is Soaring

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AISG’s wide array of APAC sports throughout the school year are starting off with a bang as the first series of sports is already into the thick of season one. Practices are becoming more serious, dates and times for games and tournaments are on their way, and team spirit is at an all-time high.

The first season of sports at AISG include volleyball, cross country, tennis, and dance. Practices run right after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, which provide team members of the time to hone their skills and improve at their respective sports as well as giving students a sense of community and commitment towards the team that they will spend hours each day with.

“Something I really enjoy and appreciate about our team this year is the closeness of our team,” said Gwynnie G., a senior at AISG and one of the captains of the girls’ varsity volleyball team this year. “Not only are we a strong group of players, but we are made better by our tight-knit bond that creates this fun and lively atmosphere.”

“My favorite thing about cross country is how accepting and supporting everyone on the team is,” said Dominika K., a sophomore at AISG and a member of the varsity cross country team. “No matter where you are with the speed of your running, everyone respects you and never makes you feel like you’re any less than others.”

Some of season one’s series of sports are starting to become busier with attending and hosting matches and tournaments within the community of international schools around the Guangzhou area. The girls’ and boys’ varsity volleyball teams have already kicked their series of matches this season off and will soon be participating in an invitational tournament, while the varsity cross country teams have an upcoming race on Tuesday, September 20, in addition to the prospect of another race on September 22 as well.

“I’m looking forward to our improvement and growth as a team, and I’m excited to see us learning new plays and hitting combinations so that we can become even stronger,” said Gwynnie G.

“I’m looking forward to improving my running as the season goes on and to experience races against other schools alongside my team,” said Dominika K.

The most exciting aspects of season one of APAC sports are only just getting started, and as events continue to pile up, the anticipation and dedication from students who are participating is increasing as well.

Stay tuned for The Beacon’s coverage of every upcoming sport event over the next couple weeks!

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