April 16, 2024, was the seniors official last day of school. It was a day of celebration and sadness as this marked the official start to the IBDP examinations and another step closer to graduation.

The day prior was the senior prank. Students were met with a maze of stanchions in the plaza that they had to maneuver their way through. But that was not all, once they entered the school, they were met with furniture upside down, a bouncy castle, rubber duckies, and pictures of teacher memes all over the school.
Grade 11 student Arielle L said, “I thought the prank was creative, it has given me some inspiration for ours next year.”
In the afternoon of April 16 students and staff gathered onto the inside and outside staircase to do a clap out as the seniors made their way down to the theatre to start their assembly.

The senior assembly consisted of a mock trial for English teacher Mr. Ridolfo and IBDP coordinator Mr. Kennett, funny videos, the grading of teacher memes, a hilarious performance from Carson A. and Devon E, job predictions, taking a grade 11 hostage, and finally a senior dance to end off the assembly.
Grade 11 students will have to do their own senior assembly next year and are excited to start planning for it.
Tiffany C, a grade 11 student said, “I liked the dance a lot, I can’t wait to do this next year.”
This year has been an exciting one and this finally marks the end of their high school journey and the start of a new chapter in their lives.
Grade 12 student Ziyue Y says, “it has been a really fun senior year, and it feels a bit weird not having to go to school anymore, but I think everyone is excited to start the next chapter of their lives.”
We wish the seniors good luck on their exams and wish them the best in wherever life takes them.