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R_initialRecently your peers might have been filling out absence forms for SEOMUN. These students are likely preparing for AISG’s first Model United Nations conference at Korea this year, hosted by Korea International School in Seoul.

MUN is an extra-curricular activity offered at many high schools, where enrolees will role play delegates to the actual UN. This takes place at MUN conferences around the world, and the activity requires a lot of researching, public speaking, debating, and writing skills. Aside from SEOMUN, AISG is also attending BEIMUN (March 9-12) this year.

SEOMUN was a popular pick for AISG MUN candidates this year, as outlined hereCurrently, the selected applicants are hard at work researching various global issues, drafting their own UN resolutionsand working on their school assignments early for future absences. Our school will be representing the nations of France, Cambodia, Haiti, and Egypt this conference.

I would like to remind my fellow delegates to complete their payment, and hand in their parent permission slip, and confirmation of guardian insurance form to the Athletics and Activities office by 3 pm tomorrow.

More information can be found at the SEOMUN website.

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