School Life

STUCO Executives 2018 Elections

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On May 8, the STUCO Elections for the year 2018-19 was held in the AISG Theatre. Here were the nominees:

President: Andy Jeong (11)

Vice President: Lisa Mo (10), Antonette Liao (11) , Eddie Kim (10)

Secretary: Anna Kong (9) , Daniel Park (10)

Treasurer: Sameer (11)


After all the candidates performed unique and well-planned out speeches, the audience was given a ballot to vote their favorite/best choice for the positions (excluding the President and Treasurer). In the same week on Friday, the winners of the executive positions were announced via the PA system. Here are the final STUCO members:

President: Andy Jeong (11)

Vice President: Eddie Kim (10)

Secretary: Anna Kong (9)

Treasurer: Sameer (11)

After the elections, a random audience member, grade 11 Sabrina Chu, was selected to answer a series of questions about her experience. When asked about how she thought the STUCO elections could improve in the future, she said that it would be best if the event could take place in the library like previous elections. “I feel like being in the theater gives the candidates even more stress, which result in some of them not being able to give their speech in their full potential.” Additionally, when asked about the anti-competition for the President and Treasurer positions, Sabrina said that there should always be more than 1 candidate for each position because it would “encourage more people to try and compete for those positions”. As her overall experience as an audience member, she rated the STUCO elections a 3, on a scale from 0-5.

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