School Events

Students and Staff Fight for Victory in AISG’s Hungry Games!

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March 6th was the start of AISG’s Hungry Games. An intense game that students and teachers can both participate in, where only the strongest and stealthiest players can survive. 

 Students and teachers before school starts get a wooden spoon with another person’s name and grade, their job is to find them and tag them with the spoon. But they have to watch their backs as they are also a target. If they can successfully tag their target, they get their targets spoon and then go for whoever that person was after.  

 The top 5 with the most spoons still in the game would compete in a final showdown, where they are expected to do challenges set up by AISG’s student council (Stuco), and hopefully win the giant spoon and other fun prizes. 

 This year’s winner was Tiger L. a grade 10 student who collected over 50 spoons and managed to beat all of Stuco’s challenges. Winning the giant spoon and chocolate cupcakes made by English teacher Katie Dean.  

 “I feel proud of myself and I’m very happy I won,” he said.  

 Every student had very interesting tactics to try and get away from others hunting them. Students could be seen running away from others in the halls, hiding in bathroom stalls as well as putting on other classmates’ hoodies to try and hide in plain sight. 

 “My tactic for winning was to hide in the bathroom every day,” Tiger said. 

 “So, my tactic was basically like I need to play it smooth, I needed to play it sleek,” Josh J, a grade 10 student said, “I had a bunch of scouts from my grade helping me, and then boom boom bam,”  

 Josh J. came extremely close to being in the top five but was unfortunately taken down before he could have the chance to claim the Hungry games throne. 

 Hungry Games was full of a competitiveness, loss, and AISG spirit, and we hope to see this energy again next year. 

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