World News

Studies Show an Increase in Gun Violence in the U.S. During the Pandemic

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Two days over the Halloween weekend, CNN reported 11 mass shootings in the U.S. These news are part of a trend of increased gun violence during the pandemic.

According the the Police Executive Research Forum, the first 9 months of 2020 saw a 28% increase in homicides compared to 2019. Everytown Research and Policy reports that in the entire 2020, there were 3,906 more firearm deaths and 9,278 more firearm injuries than 2019.

Most researchers cite COVID-caused socioeconomic problems and subsequent poor mental health as leading causes of this rise in gun violence.

AISG librarian Ms Donaldson thinks that the pandemic has really changed what we know about mental wellbeing for the future. “People have experienced in different stress in different ways,” she says, “and it’s still new so maybe we don’t even know we are carrying this stress”.

As both a parent and a homeowner, Ms. Donaldson is worried about the increase in gun violence in the U.S. She believes that the issue is also the root of the problem, because more and more Americans are buying guns to protect themselves from other gun-owners.

Everytown Research and Policy estimates that in the entire year of 2020, there was a 64% increase in gun sales compared to 2019. Although not all researchers agree that gun ownership results in increased gun violence, many have noted that the presence of guns in homes does increase domestic violence related to guns as well as gun mismanagement accidents involving children.

For students at AISG, many of which plan to go to the U.S. for college, this increase in gun violence is quite worrying. However, senior Billy B. states that the area he is from doesn’t have much crime because it isn’t a big city, so he isn’t too worried for his own safety.

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