
Swim Team Looking to Make A Splash in APAC!

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          After last year’s successful season, our swim team is back in action and getting ready for this upcoming APAC. With many new faces this year, including a new coach, the team looks to take another step forward during this season. Our team began practice a little over 2 weeks ago and they had their first meet at BSG on Saturday, October 29th and had a great day medaling in several different events.

           Hannah Eng, a senior on the team, when asked, “What are you looking forward to most this year?”, said that “For every swimmer, each race is one against time. We spend hours training and strive to fully execute our skills when we enter the water for a race. I am looking forward to improving my times and building a better endurance for the longer events as well as getting to know new people.” She continued by saying, “I am really impressed with how close we are as a team. There are students from each grade level but we all interact with each other and support each other, both in practices and in meets. Even with new students and freshmen who have joined, we have quickly become a coherent team and I think there is a strong bond between us.”

          It seems like the team is coming together well, with both each other and Coach Ms. Allan. There’s plenty to be excited about this year’s team as they are striving to be better and achieve more.



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