School Events

The 2023-2024 Athletics & Activities Awards Ceremony!

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By Raaghav A.

The AISG Athletics and Awards Ceremony for the 2023-2024 sports was held on May 10th at the Science Park Theater. Hosted by the Athletic Council members Seamus (’25), Katherine (’26) and Eddie (’26), the ceremony gave recognition to outstanding athletes and performers within AISG. 

The ceremony kickstarted with The Second Movement of the 3 Miniatures of “Ice” by Gara Garayev, which was performed by AISG’s Upper Secondary Orchestra. This powerful performance symbolized the effort put in by all performers and athletes throughout the year. 

Every team was called up one by one to gain recognition for their participation in each group. Each sport and activity had an MVP (Most Valuable Person): someone who was simply outstanding. The names of each recognized MVP are as follows: 

  • Volleyball: Oscar (’24) and Angela (’24) 
  • Cross Country: Isaac (’27) and Mizuki (’27) 
  • Tennis: Anthony (’26) and Aidi (’27) 
  • APAC Orchestra: Bonnie (’27) 
  • APAC Dance: Mandy (’24) 
  • APAC Choir: Owen (’26) 
  • Basketball: Oscar (’24) and Angela (’24) 
  • Swimming: Sunny (’26) and Aimee (’25) 
  • Table Tennis: Kieran (’25) and Iris (’27) 
  • APAC Band: Jeffrey (’24) 
  • APAC Theater: Elsie (’24) 
  • MUN: Mika (’24) 
  • Vex Robotics: Raymond (’26) 
  • Soccer: Carson (’24) and Ginger (’24) 
  • Badminton: Alex (’27) and Sunny (’24) 

The main event ensued when the awards for Athlete & Performer of the Year were given, as well as the Scott Mohr Award. The recipients of Athlete and Performer of the Year award consisted of one male and one female that stood out overall in athletics and the arts. This year’s Performer of the Year award went to Jojo (’24) and Jeffrey (’24).  

Jojo is a multi-instrumentalist who plays the piano, oboe, and cello, and has participated in AISG’s orchestra, wind ensemble, musical, APAC dance, and has even hosted a charity choir event. She was ecstatic about receiving the award: “I was shocked at first, but I was also really thrilled that my accomplishment has been recognized.” 

This recognition meant a lot to Jojo. “This award was very special to me, not only because it was given to me in my last year at AISG and in high school, but also because I felt like my hard work did not go unnoticed…I am very passionate about music, and I have worked hard to persevere in this journey while also juggling other academic responsibilities. Therefore, receiving an award in something that I enjoy, and love is a true honor.” 

When asked what set her apart from others, Jojo said: What sets me apart from other performers is mainly my perseverance and ability to balance performing arts and school life. For instance, during the musical, I had to attend school every weekend from Panyu (which is very far from school) and still practice and perform while also taking my IB exams. Additionally, another reason is my endless devotion to all performing opportunities and my dedication to helping others with my musical skills, such as accompanying the choir when needed.” 

For future performers and recipients of the award, Jojo remarked: “Congratulations, you clearly deserve it, and I hope you will continue to devote yourself to the performing arts field, regardless of what you may do in the future.”  

Penultimately, the Athlete of the Year award was received by Angela (’24) and Oscar (’24). 

Oscar is a multisport athlete who participated in volleyball, basketball and soccer in the 2023-2024 season, and received the MVP award for volleyball and basketball. Oscar (’24) was also the recipient of the Scott Mohr award, which is dedicated to the late Scott Mohr, an AISG teacher who passed away in 2014. This year’s ceremony marks the 10th year of his passing, making this year’s award much more meaningful. This had an impact on Oscar’s reaction to receiving the awards: “When I won the MVPs and the AoTY, my reaction was pure excitement and gratitude. However, when it was announced that I had also won Scott Mohr, I was in complete shock and was just speechless.” 

Oscar was extremely grateful for his award. “These awards mean a great amount to me. I’ve been participating in sports ever since I was in elementary here are AISG. Without the many coaches/friends/others throughout my years being part of AISG athletics, I would not have even been close to the person that I am today. Winning these awards was like a confirmation to myself that I have successfully returned the favor and left a positive impact back on the athletics here at AISG.” 

When asked what set him apart from others, Oscar said: “I would not say there is something that sets me apart from everyone else. There are countless athletes, all with their own strengths, who I believe deserve these awards just as much. And something that I personally value as my strength is my drive, commitment, and positive mindset when playing sports. Also, I am very very tall, buff, and good looking.” 

Oscar also had a message for all the future athletes of AISG: “I would tell all future athletes to never lose focus on what sports really means, which is to have fun and enjoy it.” 









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