
The Batman Movie Review

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Friday Box Office: 'The Batman' Tops $700 Million As 'RRR' Plunges 92%

After numerous delays, the long anticipated new Batman film has finally come out. With so much anticipation behind it, what does the Beacon think of it?

Before we begin, I have to warn you that there will be heavy spoilers in this review, so click off if you haven’t watched The Batman yet.

To start, this is the first Batman feature film in a long time, with the last Batman focused movies being the highly acclaimed Dark Knight trilogy made a decade ago. Needless to say, this movie had very large shoes to fill.

The movie opened to a very gritty and dark action scene, fairly similar to the Dark Knight, however, the similarities just about end there. This version of Batman is very different compared to past iterations, casting Robert Pattinson who portrays Batman more of a reclusive, gloomy weirdo, in stark contrast to previous portrayals as a playboy. Pattinson’s Batman definitely gives more insight into Batman as a character, rather than just a suited man beating bad guys up.

Speaking of bad guys, in The Batman, Paul Dano gives one of the most memorable and impressive portrayals of the Riddler ever. Gone are the days of the goofy green skin suit of Jim Carrey’s Riddler, with Dano giving a performance that can rival Heath Ledger’s famous Joker. The Riddler was essentially modernized and given a much darker twist. Dano portrays this insane yet genius serial killer in a scarily realistic way.

Overall, this movie is a very unique take on Batman and a very welcome one in my opinion. Between all of the gritty action and gloomy shots of Gotham city, the movie portrays Batman as more of a detective rather than a superhero and leaves plenty of room for a follow up film that highly anticipate.

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