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One Survivor Returns: Victory & Brownies

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Hungry Games updates:

  • This just in: Day 1 of the Hungry Games claimed 9 total victims. They were Cassidy Redding (10), Ms Barga (T), Sherry Kim (9), Mr Duncan (T), John Choi (12), Stanley Wang (9), Mr Baier (T), Phoebe Guan (11), and Rachel Lo (11).
  • Some tributes were picked off early in the games. Ms Barga, a first-time Hungry Games player, was stalking a tenth-grader outside Mr Duncan’s class when she was struck down in cold blood by an unidentified female assailant, later revealed to be ninth-grader Carrie Lo. When questioned, she remarked, “Well, at least now I can focus on teaching today instead of hiding under my desk between classes. Next year I hope to survive at least two hours.”
  • Other Day 1 victims include Mr Baier and Mr Duncan, causing AISG teachers to wonder if this game is rigged. Fortunately Mr Tragert survives to carry the teacher torch. (The Beacon learned later of teacher treachery in the math department: Mr Tragert was responsible himself for the grisly slaughter of fellow department-member Mr Baier.)
  • Day 2 of the Hungry Games, continued the “killing” sprees of day 1, taking the “lives” and spoons of students Ruth Zou (11), Bryan Hu (11), Vedika Savalani (10), Amy Choi (10), Sara Quattrocchi (10), Nina Sepahi (10), and lastly, Haresh Hemlani (10).
  • As Christos of 10th grade has been absent for the day and before, the deadly and ruthless Mr Tragert has been unable to continue his massacre, resulting him to be hunted down by 11th grader Eileen Qiu. Mr Tragert has challenged Eileen’s power by showing no fear, and has survived the day of two with his skilful survival techniques.
  • Three days into the Hungry Games, the dominating and seemingly invincible Mr Tragert has tragically fallen to the hands of Tiffany Chan (10) after snatching the spoons of Eileen Qiu (11).
  • On the fourth and final day of the Hungry Games, Tiffany Chan (10) has successfully taken down every remaining survivor of the games, and stood above the 31 other contestants, taking home the honor of victory with brownies and cookies.

AISG is currently in the grips of the Hungry Games, with students frantically hunting for names in old yearbooks and plotting to take down their assigned victims by lurking in the hallways between classes.

The Hungry Games is a simple tag game hosted by The English Connection, where tributes attack and take each other down with spoons. Tributes signed up by contacting Lynn Maekawa in Grade 11 before the game began. After paying the fee of ten RMB, the participants received a spoon on the morning of Monday 26 October. The game lasts for a week and the tribute with the most spoons receives a grand prize of a basket of delicious cookies and brownies.

The Hungry Games IV runs from 26 to 30 October. If you missed the signups this time, there will be another Hungry Games next semester. May the prizes ever be in your flavor!

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