
Time To Grow Your Hair!

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With the upcoming Pantene Beautiful Lengths during International Day, it is time for you to grow out your hair! Pantene Beautiful Lengths collects donated hair to create free wigs for cancer patients who are going through chemotherapy and have lost their hair.

For the past 3 years, Pantene Beautiful Lengths has been a part of the community service group Global Issues Network (GIN). But this year, Pantene Beautiful Lengths will go under the new community service group Connect4Cancer.

Please consider donating your hair on April 22, during International Day. Requirements: 8 inches (20cm) long, with no chemical dye and only 5% gray. If you donate your hair during International Day, you will receive a free professional cut.

If you want to donate your hair but not during International Day, it is still possible. Tell your own stylist what to do from reading the requirements for donating hair HERE. Pass the hair in ponytails to Mrs. Navis at the Science Park campus before June 15.

Signup by emailing Jennifer Zhang ( or Mrs. Navis ( or through signup sheets located at Ersha Campus and Science Park Campus.

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