School Life

Tornadoes in the US at an All-Time High

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The recent outbreak of tornadoes in the United States, specifically and prominently in Kentucky, Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, and Tennessee, is said to be one of the largest tornado outbreaks the nation has ever had.

The tornadoes have caused entire warehouses and factories to come crumbling down, trapping people in the process. Homes have been demolished and even police stations and nursing homes have been ripped apart by the twister.

More fatalities are being discovered as fallen infrastructure is investigated, including six due to the collapse on an Amazon warehouse in Kentucky. Officials fear that the death toll may exceed 100.

There have even been multiple accounts of family photographs carried by the tornado winds across states. Trees have been completely up-rooted from the ground without any limbs left.

Throughout the Midwest and South of the United States, a path over 200 miles has been created by the swarm of tornadoes.

Fortunately, over 40 people who were trapped in the aftermath rubble of fallen warehouses have been rescued thus far.

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