World News

Turkey / EU Deal to Control Refugee Flow

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The coloured areas above are called the Schengen Zone or Schengen Area.
The coloured areas above are called the Schengen Zone or Schengen Area.

T_initialTurkey had a deal with the EU to take some of the Syrian, Iraqi and Afghan refugees in return for 3 billion Euros and political concessions. This year, there have been more than 720,000 refugees who escaped to Europe via the Greek shores. A majority of the European countries believe that they are already full and incapable of taking more refugees. As such, the EU proposed to Turkey that they would resettle their political relationships. If Turkey invests the 3 billion Euros she has received for the refugees and embraces more of them, the Turkish people would be able visit the Schengen Zone of Europe without visas just like any other European.


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