School Life

Water Dump Sensation: A Refreshing Splash of Vitality

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On September 24, upper secondary students participated in a water dump activity in the front plaza between the theater and Building B, the event was devised and assembled by upper secondary student councilors. The dumpers bought either guaranteed “dump tickets” or raffle “dump tickets” from the student council.

The student council, consisted of the general council and the executive council sold raffle tickets for two weeks prior to September 24. One raffle ticket for dumping a student from the student council costs five RMB, and one raffle ticket for dumping either Ms. Maine or Ms. Dean costs 10 RMB. The student council draws the winners of the raffle tickets at the event, announcing the winner to choose the target for dumping.

Another option to dump student and teacher councilors are guaranteed tickets, which for the former costs 50 RMB, and the latter costs 80 RMB. The purchasers of the guaranteed tickets are allowed to choose the target immediately after buying the ticket.

Photo taken by Stephen. T

“It’s fun to know that you can ‘destroy’ a person’s clothes right before they have their third and fourth block,” said Madelyn R. T., a dumper who is currently in her freshman year, “I would rate the satisfaction level of dumping a ten on a scale of one to ten.”

The guaranteed tickets of the teachers Ms. Dean and Ms. Maine were sold quickly after the purchasing portal opened, Auston Y. and James L. being the two dumpers respectively. The dumpers chose their friends (or “foes”) to have a refreshing bucket of water dumped over them, and each dump was done with a row of councilors awaiting the coldness from behind their backs.

“Being dumped was really reviving,” said Christine B., a freshman general councilor who was dumped by Madelyn R. T., “the pressure from entering high school feels relieved after the splash.”

Photo taken by Christine B.

The Upstander Assembly took place before the water dump activity, adding to the element of bonding in the water dump activity. During the activity, the counselors of the secondary school provided water-adhesive, temporary Upstander Tattoos.

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