School Life

WeiLun Sports Academy Beats Our Rams

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a_initialAISG’s girls basketball team played on Friday 28th of November against Guangzhou WeiLun Sports Academy here at the Rams’ home ground after school. The level of competitiveness on the AISG side was quite high. There were a few people in the bleachers supporting our team, especially Mrs. Renfrow, the #1 AISG basketball cheerleader. She helped encourage other supporters to cheer for the Rams.

I asked ninth-grade basketball player Mai Rikter-Svendsen how the Rams compared to Guangzhou WeiLun Sports Academy, and she said, “We did well; everyone was doing their best, even though DES team scored twice as much as we did.  The other team had more experience, but I think that if you compare how much we practice to how we do at games, we know what we are doing and we play well.” Even though theGuangzhou WeiLun Sports Academy players were much taller than AISG’s players, they did not give up—they played to the last second of the game.

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