School Events

HSU Game Night: A Night of Fun & Games

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Game Night is an activity hosted by the community service group High School Union, the latest on November 17th.  The event lasted for approximately 3 hours, starting at 4:30pm when students from local schools arrived. Members of High School Union set up the gym for activities and received the local school guests.

The gym was set up for dodge ball after basketball practice finished and all that was left was to wait for the local students to arrive. After the local students arrived, they were led to the cafeteria to have free dinner from our school, provided that individuals payed for the entrance fee for Game Night. After dinner, everyone gathered in the gym to start the games (I personally disagree with the sequence of events since exercising right after a meal is not a great idea).

There were plans where everyone would be split into 2 groups and play different games at the same time, but that was scratched when a few schools didn’t arrive on time and there weren’t enough people. The first game we played was dodge ball. Participants were randomly divided into 2 teams and played against each other. The losing side had to do 5 push ups on the gym floor. After an hour of dodge ball and its variations, people decided to change the game to something else. Then, the awkward introduce-yourself-games  started, which were reminiscent of those frequently used by the Dragonfly staff during China Trips.

After that ordeal, everyone went to the amphitheater to begin Running Man, the main event of Game Night. The students were separated into three teams this time, each with approximately ten people and a different colored bib/name tag to separate them apart. The original goal was for everyone to survive until the end of the game; the team with the most survivors would be the victor. Then, hunters were introduced to the match, a separate team of players who could battle without name tags. These were basically invincible. The situation escalated then and alliances started to be forged. The only team that did not form alliances was the blue team, which had stayed together all the time. This team had the most players alive, while the others teams were slowly diminishing in numbers. Then, all those who had been out were welcomed back to rejoin the game in an attempt to decrease the blue team’s numbers in order to make the game more playable.

Running Man ended when too many people were getting hurt in the process of running away and chasing others. In the end, everyone tied. The guests were then given a much delayed tour of the rest of the school before paying the 35RMB entrance fee and going home. Overall, Game Night was a very enjoyable experience aside from the injures that certain individuals suffered due to the excitement.

Hope to see more people next time!

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