
Abe Resigns From Office due to Ulcerative Colitis

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Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe resigned from office on August 28, 2020. Abe affirmed his reason for resignation from office was over suffering from reoccurring post rectal inflammation pain, also known as ulcerative colitis.

His deteriorating state of health was announced this summer when he was allegedly found getting unknown checkups at a hospital in Tokyo. Though Abe was showing alleviated symptoms with the medication than he had once done before, he could not give definite assurances as to whether the treatment would be effective in completely curing his medical condition.

Abe claimed to have suffered from ulcerative colitis starting from his teenage years but has stated that his symptoms were correspondingly medication. Abe broached in an interview the subject of how he failed to reconcile many of Japan’s current issues during his time in office due to his rectal inflammation, including North Korea’s abduction of Japanese civilians, an altercation regarding territorial ownership with Russian forces, Japan’s deteriorating deflation in the economy as a result of the COVID19 pandemic, and a constitution abdicating for Japan’s past wars.

“I was incredibly shocked by the news,” said Jade J., a parent at AISG. “I understand the criticalness of his disease; however, I don’t think that simply resigning from office was the most appropriate of decisions for a prime minister to make.”

Helen H., a freshman at AISG, also had similar viewpoints to those addressed by Jade J. “Leaving the citizens of Japan during such a trying time wasn’t very just of him to have done.”

Conversely, an AISG sophomore, Gwynnie. G had a contrasting opinion to those of Jade and Helen’s. She believed that the prime minister made a correct decision to resign from office as it was obvious that Abe suffered to lead his country to the best of his abilities with such deleterious health conditions.

Surprisingly, this was not Abe’s first time resigning from office due to ulcerative colitis. Abe voluntarily vacated from his position in 2007 due to similar means over this illness. Abe has continued to cultivate an intimate relationship with the U.S. officials like President Trump. The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) claims that no other foreign official has had stronger alliances with President Trump than Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. However, there was no immediate reaction from the White House regarding Abe’s resignation from office.

Abe’s official term ends in September 2021. He is expected to remain in his position as prime minister until a new leader is presumptively elected and ratified by the Japanese parliament.

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