Grade 11 StuCo Results
By Katherine H More »
By Katherine H More »
[by guest contributors So Eun L, Eileen P] Numerous Chinese restaurants have eating utensils such as plates, cups, bowls, and chopsticks wrapped in clear plastic on tables all set for the use of their customers. When you sit down at a table, you tear the plast... More »
[by Stephen Z] Four new boys, three new girls, and one of the youngest teams in AISG sports history, our 2015-16 varsity tennis team travelled to the city of the Forbidden Palace to compete with three other schools in the annual Tri-Cities tennis tournament. T... More »
[by Michelle Zhu] On the 11th of September, both the boys’ and girls’ volleyball teams travelled to the Western Academy of Beijing to participate in the Tri-Cities tournament. Competing were WAB, ISB, SASPD, and of course AISG. Both teams’ first games were aga... More »
[by Yan Li] HACK #1: There’s a great deal of dust and unidentified particles between your keyboard keys. When you try using a tissue to wipe it off, it only works on the surface of the keys, not the spaces in between them. No worries. Just clean the space betw... More »
[by In Hwa M] This year’s Grade 10 General Council Elections took place on August 25, during the end-of-the-day community event. Sophomores from all around campus gathered in the tiny black box, and waited eagerly for speeches, along with elections. The candid... More »
[by Jeremy P] With only one returning player for the boys and three returning for the girls from last year’s tennis team, the tennis team this year was stuck with the inevitable process of rebuilding the team and training new, skilled players to replace those ... More »
[by Ibrahim B] With a new coach comes new expectations, and the AISG cross country team has high hopes for success in the upcoming season and APAC competition. They want to increase their level of fitness, as well as challenge themselves physically and, more i... More »
[by Sophie E] The nervous candidates stood at the side of the room, anxiously reciting their speeches. They paced back and forth, tensely awaiting their turns to speak in front of their ninth grade peers. First up was Andy Jeong, who ran for GenCo Treasurer. S... More »
[by Sophie E] The steady drum of runners’ feet was paired with volleyballs slamming against the ground, and tennis balls bouncing, making a satisfying thunk. The first official practices began on August 13, just one day after the first formal day of school. Ho... More »
[by Jiwon L] “Not everyone will be able to participate in both MUNs, although it would be most ideal.” A phenomenal number of more than forty applicants during lunch gathered in Room 324 on the 20th of August, a Thursday, to have a brief meeting concerning MUN... More »
[by Katherine H] Summer is over, and school has started. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean the memories AISG students made this summer should be left behind. Our Rams have travelled from Japan to France to Italy to England, because as international students and ... More »