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The Bonfire is Lit, and I Want S’more


The Bonfire is coming up this Friday, February 15th! It is an annual event organized by student organization Pulse that aims to gain revenue for prom, connect and bond students, and raise community spirits. Tickets are still on sale in front of the cafe and wi... More »


APAC Students Sent off with PEP


On January 22, Tuesday, our first pep rally of 2019 was held for the basketball, swimming, theater, table tennis, and band students. The boys basketball varsity team will be making their way to Hong Kong and the girls to Shanghai for APAC. The swimming and tab... More »


CISSMUN X: The Cause of Freedom


From January 18 to 20, AISG students went to Concordia International School Shanghai to participate in the tenth annual Model United Nations conference, along with Mr. Cheung and Ms. Herrin. Throughout the three days, students participated in heated discussion... More »


Lion Dance Again and Again and Again


I have been at AISG since first grade, which was a decade ago, and every single year before Chinese New Year break starts, we go and watch a lion dance. I have watched the same performance of dancing lions, loud drums, crashing gongs, and a happy man chasing t... More »


Chinese New Year Event Preview


Monday and Tuesday, January 21 and 22, StuCo is organizing a Chinese New Year event where each homeroom will get two posters to creatively decorate a pig. You can use anything — from glitter to 3D objects — to decorate the pig. In addition, two prompts will be... More »


Girl’s Basketball Super APAC Preview


In just a week, the girls varsity basketball team will be off to Concordia International School of Shanghai (CISS) for Super APAC. Super APAC differs from normal APAC, as Super APAC only occurs every 4 years and is a tournament where all 12 APAC schools come t... More »


HS Musical: You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown


On November 29 and 30, the high school theater department put on the musical You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown. The musical, which originally ran off-Broadway in 1967 and ran on-Broadway in 1999, follows the Peanuts characters Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, Schroe... More »


College Visits at AISG


Every once in a while, AISG holds a college visit session. All high school students go to a designated area in the school and they are able to talk to and ask questions about university to specific college representatives. Michelle Z, a senior, said that “When... More »


Holiday Bazaar Controversy


This year’s Holiday Bazaar, hosted by the PTA, was held on the Ersha campus just like previous years. This year, the PTA offered a 1000 RMB prize for the single “best decorated” student-led booth. The “best decorated” booth was selected through overall appeara... More »


Final Exam Changes


The beginning of December is stressful: final exams, summatives, and end of semester projects are bombarding high schoolers and their lives. This year, AISG is about to make final exams slightly better (or, in the seniors’ case, a lot better) for the students.... More »


Big Tournaments for Big Teams


Season II of sports is in full effect at AISG. Practice has been ongoing for a month now and each team has steadily become better and better, and improving their skills. As a first test of their skill, the basketball team will be hosting the Tri-cities tournam... More »


Where’s The Pep At AISG Pep Rallies?


In recent years, I have noticed that the pep rallies at AISG are very dull. There is not much cheering from the crowd and the rallies are  not very “hype”. This lack of spirit may also be the athletes’ fault. From what I have seen, no one wants to stand up in ... More »