School Events

Community Service Fair: “Unite. Care. Act.”

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As the 2016-17 school year kicks off, it is your time to make a difference. At our community service fair, thirteen different community services, ranging from Roots & Shoots Environment to the Global Issues Network, introduced their aim and what they do. The diverse options provided a wide variety of activities for our student body to choose from.

Volunteering at one of the thirteen community service activities will offer students and teachers an opportunity to reconnect with the world, and the chance to bring positive changes locally and globally to our community. This is the perfect opportunity to make a difference and find the perfect community service to join.

Freshman Lisa Mo stated, “I think that the community service fair was really helpful because I came into the fair vaguely knowing what each group does. Afterwards, I had a clear idea of which group I want to join. And I’m planning to join Habitat for Humanity.” Older, more experienced students also found the event worthwhile—Migrant Link coordinator Se Hyun Park told me, “As a coordinator, I think the community service fair was really helpful for promoting our group and we gained a lot of new members thanks to this event. I was also amazed at the number of people who came to the fair because I didn’t expect much people to come.”

Here’s a brief introduction of each service group to help you decide which to join:

Pulse: Plan your most memorable high school events! Not only do you learn life skills, you also meet new people.

Crossroads: Believe that “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”? Support Crossroads!

The English Connection: Interested in teaching? Interact with local Chinese college students by helping themwith English-language communication.

Global Issues Network: Change someone’s life by organizing fundraisers and sponsor donation to fund girls’ high school education.

Migrant Link: Children in need can use your help. Bring light into these children’s lives through action by creating activities and lesson plans for them.

Habitat for Humanity: Enjoy assembling buildings? Help rebuild shelters and houses around the world.

R&S Animals: If you are all about saving endangered animals or just interested in animals, this is the community service you should join.

R&S Environment: Huge fan of the environment? Help do small things to save the environment by joining this group.

R&S People: To care for people who are mentally and physically disabled, this community service will give the respect, care and love for the people in need.

Hoops for Hope: Want to play basketball? Join Hoops for Hope for their annual basketball tournament to raise money for the incapacitated and deprived children.

Liphy: Join Liphy for magazine publications to teach local students English.

Media Crew: Use photography, videography, film and music to showcase school events, student groups and our community.

Peer Tutoring: Need help or want to help? Join Peer Tutoring to help your own peers with school.

Find out more information about community services on the Daily Bulletin.

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