
Does Adderall Really Fix All?

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Unfortunately, it’s finals season, which means it’s time to stop relaxing and start studying.  Maintaining focus is something almost everyone struggles with, which is why you may or may not have heard of the infamous “study drugs”, prescription drugs that are used by students to improve concentration while studying for tests. These drugs are meant to be used to treat patients with ADHD as it can help with problems regarding their attention span, impulse control, and hyperactivity. However, it has been found that many people use these stimulants illegally, without a prescription. One of the most well-known stimulants is called Adderall, notorious for its ability to make people feel “high” at a high dose and also having the power to make one extremely focused.

The thing is, research shows these drugs don’t actually have the ability to enhance academic performance, it simply makes one more focused. This shows how Adderall being named a “study drug” is actually a myth. Adderall is a stimulant and therefore increases dopamine levels. These increased levels of dopamine in the brain results in a feeling of euphoria (intense excitement and happiness), which is the feeling most drug users seek (Newport Academy). This feeling is what makes Adderall highly addictive because when users stop taking the drug, they’re dopamine levels are much lower than normal, making them gravitate towards taking more and more in order for them to feel “good”.

Most teenagers that try Adderall (non-prescribed) think it’s harmless. Often times, students simply consider this drug is a “quick fix” and that they won’t take it again unless they need to cram for a final or whip out a research paper. However, they don’t realize how highly addictive it can be and what the long term effects are. Some users become dependent on the drug and become much less efficient without it, so they choose to not stop taking it.

Another problem that comes along with taking Adderall is whether or not it’s morally justifiable. Some students consider it a form of cheating, while others do not. While there is no correct answer, it makes sense to compare this situation to that of an athlete taking steroids competing against athletes that are “natural”. Any type of performance-enhancing drug gives an advantage to the person that takes it in comparison to those who don’t.

Although Adderall may be appealing for its effect to change the way the brain works, study drugs are only a short-term fix that may lead to long-term problems. There’s no doubt that studying and maybe drinking a Red Bull or two would be a better idea.

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