School Life

Does Tolerance Limit Freedom of Speech?

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This article was written in response to Stanley’s article.

Freedom of speech is a legal right. According to the First Amendment of the US Constitution, “Congress shall make no law […] abridging the freedom of speech.” Freedom of speech is defined as “the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint.” Notice that this does not say that people are protected from judgment by their peers and society. It simply says that, legally, people can express their opinions and beliefs without government restraint. However, the social aspect is still present. People still face backlash and criticism from others and the government cannot intervene. Freedom of speech does not protect you from social criticism. It only protects against government censorship. Many people believe that freedom of speech allows them to say whatever they want without any sort of repercussions, which simply isn’t true. They believe that their opinions, no matter how offensive or harmful, are invincible against any oppressors.

The issue of free speech often comes up in discussions today, usually regarding LGBTQ+ rights, feminism, racism and political correctness. Some people believe that being politically correct means that people are over-sensitive and need thicker skin. The issue of political correctness at AISG arose mainly with the start of the GSA (gay-straight alliance) at the beginning of the year. Many claimed that GSA was unnecessary and was pressuring students to support LGBTQ+ rights when they were from more conservative families and did not support LGBTQ+ rights. However, the GSA does not aim to limit freedom of speech but rather aims to promote equality within the AISG community.

Though people have the freedom of speech, they still must realize what their words mean to people of minority groups. For example, homophobic speech, even though it is legal, will still hurt those who are LGBTQ+. According to one anonymous student, homophobic speech “is a reminder that we still aren’t accepted”. Hate speech often precedes actual violence against minority groups. A simple offensive saying can easily spiral out of control and end up with someone being seriously hurt. Hate speech can also lead to depression and even suicide for those on the receiving end. While free speech is a right, it is important to remember the impact that these words have on those that they are directed to.

Simply asking for tolerance does not necessarily limit freedom of speech. There is no need to support something if you do not support it, but it is important to be tolerant of others, no matter who they are. Tolerance is defined as “the ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behavior that one dislikes or disagrees with.” Some argue that political correctness limits their ability to have an opinion, but it simply isn’t true. Having an opinion means that you are allowed to express your beliefs, not that everyone has to agree with you. Tolerance means respecting others’ opinions, not agreeing with them. It is important to be tolerant of others, no matter who they are. Even if their opinions do not match your own, it is crucial that everyone learns to respect other’s decisions.

Are students allowed to voice their opinions? Yes. Will they be subject to punishment if their opinions promote hatred? Also yes. Agreeing with and respecting opinions are different. Not everybody has to support the LGBTQ+ community, but they should not actively work against it and should respect others’ opinions, choices, and decisions. Freedom of speech works both ways. If you say something controversial or offensive, citing your right to free speech as an excuse, you will need to be prepared for a reprisal, since the people criticizing you also have the right to free speech.

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