China News

Trump Lobs Accusations at China

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China’s complex relationship with Donal Trump has worsened as Trump told a rally in Indiana that China was responsible for “the greatest theft in the world.” He continued, stating that China was manipulating its currency to make its exports more competitive globally, which was the cause of substantial damage to the US economy and workers.

He then told a campaign rally on Sunday:

“We can’t continue to allow China to rape our country. We’re going to turn it around, and we have the cards, don’t forget it. We have a lot of power with China.”

Trump later said that he was willing to make a better deal with China that would benefit both American and Chinese economies. Although there was not an immediate response from Beijing, some claim that Trump is seen as an inspiration rather than an enemy by the people of China. He finally added that he was not angry with China, but with the US workers whom he accused of negligent.



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