
Farewell Seniors!

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On the 25th of May, the graduation for seniors was held at XingHai Concert Hall. After countless weeks of their final IB exams and Prom, the seniors are ready to move on to a new chapter of their lives: University.

Angel Chou, a senior, recalls her experience in high school “As a junior, you envision senior year to be hard and tiring, but despite it being true, it’s actually so much more. Senior year is a year filled with countless IAs, IOCs, written assignments, and the mock IB exams crammed into 4 days (How is this okay?), but it is also a year filled with treasured memories with your friends and teachers – whether it be during class or outside of class. It is the year you aim, or struggle, to find yourself and to find your passion. For me, senior year has definitely been the best year. Knowing that it is the last time for me to experience all of this has made me cherish and enjoy it so much more.” Angel will be attending Northeastern University in Boston and we wish her the best of luck!

Jonathan Chou, comments on the experience of being a senior. “Senior year is like a boat. Not just any boat, but a boat made up of an amalgamation of keratotomy paraphernalia. The boat is not suitable for heavy oscillations within the most common of liquids, like those that make an unbidden appearance when one’s tears flow into the barren landscape as if they were the Yellow River, nourishing the earth beneath our very feet – a promise of prosperity. In fact, the boat cannot even float in such conditions and it most certainly does not guarantee prosperity. It was never made to do those things. We are unjustifiably forbidden to ride this boat. It is impractical not only because it lacks a hull, but also because the boat is utterly inaccessible. In its most rudimentary sense, the boat is a pure nonentity that exists only in the plane of nonexistence, but it was made for you and you only. Only when you do acquire this knowledge, can you, in actuality, experience what being a senior is like.

Not all seniors are different in that the disparities between our spheres expand and overlap, eventually transcending our basic geometries into new facets of knowing. But, if in fact it really is a non-sequitur that all seniors derive from a single metaphysical origin, then it is needless to say, that rhythm, itself, is considered a quiddity of the human soul. I admit that I find this pretty hilarious and that I do think about it ever and anon. Quite frankly, senior year is not about finding your boat, but rather building upon it. Without advanced proficiency in architectonics, it is simply inconceivable, but being an ailurophile does give you an advantage. Thankfully, the preliminary foundations to such knowledge have been provided gratis by AISG in a most streamlined manner, without us ever realizing that we have been inculcated to aspire to achieve. Yet, it is up to you, prospective seniors, to realize this ratiocination and use it to your benefit.”

Being at graduation myself to bid the seniors farewell, I felt all sorts of emotions: happiness, pride, sadness- all at the same time- especially when they performed “We’re all in this Together” from High School Musical. It’s bittersweet watching them go, but I know for certain that they will achieve all their dreams and aspirations.


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