
Gamers Wanted #MLGPro

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With so many video games produced a year everything starts to blend together ,but after cross-referencing numerous websites on gaming, I have compiled a list of  Massive Multiplayer Online Role Play Games(MMORPG) for new and seasoned gamers alike to enjoy. For those of you who don’t know what an MMORPG is, it’s basically an online game where you get to create a one of a kind character and play as them in whatever world or universe the game is based in. It’s a great way to meet other gamers and sort of build a community of online friends who you take from game to game. Now, without further distractions, here goes the list.


Star Wars; The Old Republic
Star Wars; The Old Republic

This is by far my favorite MMORPG I have ever played and possibly even my favorite game in general, and it’s not just because its Star Wars based. With Games Radar calling it “better than anything in the prequel trilogy of films”. It’s a very open world type game in the sense that you don’t have to follow the main few quests at all, and you can go on hundreds of side missions. This game isn’t all about questing though, you can go on harder team missions for more points and cool gear as well as go into space to have battles amongst the stars and even join fights where it’s Jedi pinned against the Sith. The entirity of the game takes place before the movies ever happened so even people who don’t know the movies well can have a fun time battling with light sabers, blasting the enemies with cool guns, and serving either faithfully or unfaithfully to your side. So who will you pick; will you become a good and kind Jedi or a malevolent and hardened Sith? Oh and the best part, it’s free.


Lord of the Rings Online
Lord of the Rings Online

Ok, please tell me I’m not the only person who’s seen Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit and thought about how cool it would be to actually live there and be an Elf with a sweet sword. Well say no more because now you can be just that, or most any other race in Middle Earth if you really want. With the four main races being free and having six different classes to choose from there’s always fun to be had. So now you can really travel to Helms Deep and fight go to Angmar to fight orcs as well as ride through the Iron Hills and maybe, just maybe, you can travel to the Lonely Mountain to see the throne and the King Under the Mountain.



World of Warcraft

Some games are popular and others are internationally famous but there are hardly any that become big enough to gain their own movie. World of Warcraft has been around since late 2004 and since then has rose to so much fame that it seems that everyone and their mother at least knows of the game. The game has grown so much in fact that since 2004 there have been five major expansions released and their sixth was put into the first stages of testing in 2015 but has not yet been announced as beta testing ready. Even still though, there are over 7 million people who play this  MMO and there is no doubt in my mind that more will play after the movie get’s released, the initial release date is May 25,2016 in France.


Video games as a whole are often times bashed on but with MMORPGs, there’s something that’s special about them. As someone who plays two of the three games it’s fun to meet new people and eventually call them friends. These aren’t just simple games anymore, they’re communities. If you play at least one MMO you’ll meet hundreds of people who play other games as well and from there your game library as well as friend group just continues to grow. I highly recommend any of these games to people who want to try their hand at an online game and if you do join Star Wars the Old Republic join the Harbringer server and shoot me an email, I’ll help you get your bearings.


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