
How Does Fine Dust Pay Off the Cost of Environmental Pollution?

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Along with the overall increase in factories around the world, the amount of fine dust (air pollution) has increased drastically over the past 10 years. The issue of fine dust has not only become created conflicts between countries about which country is responsible for environmental issues but has also raised concerns about different health issues.

Fine dust can cause severe damage to our inner body as well as the outer body. Some of the symptoms caused by fine dust are irritative skin, eye infection, and organ destruction, etc. The tiny particles irritate the eyes, making them itchy and eventually leading to more eye mucus and infections. It can also cause skin rashes and allergic reactions by causing an increase in white blood cells. When fine dust enters the bloodstream through the lungs, it can influence human brain activity and could even worsen symptoms of chronic disease such as heart disease and respiratory disease. The smaller diameter the fine dust has, the deeper it can infiltrate into the body and damage the organ systems.

Experts suggest drinking plenty of water and consuming vegetables can help release the dust particles from the body more easily. Purchasing an air purifier may also decrease the level of pollution indoors.

In addition to harming people, pollution also affects the environment, directly harming animals and trees. The effects of acid rain are mostly shown in the aquatic environment such as streams. As the rain runs through the soil, it can leach the aluminum and flow into streams and lakes. Young fish that are sensitive to change in acidity may be harmed from the aluminum particles. Additionally, toxic chemicals such as nitrogen oxides and sulfuric acid from acidic rain and severely damage freshwater rivers as well as trees. Acid rain can also stain and erode stone-made structures such as monuments and statues.

Despite such harmful effects on our health as well as the ecosystem, the major producers of the fine dust do not have a strong policy that regulates the factories excretion of waste product. As a consequence of polluting the environment, we are experiencing an annual loss of money in order to restore the costs. In Guangzhou, the frequency of acid rain has increased within the past years and has reached an average pH value of 4 or less, causing an annual loss of 4 billion RMB, according to the South China Morning Post.

Although achieving economic growth is an indication of how successful the country is, there are costs that we have to pay as a result of using natural resources for energy. Governments should be taking responsibility in setting effective policies to monitor and regulate the firms polluting the environment, and achieving a greener world.

For more information on the health effects of fine dust, please visit (here)

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