School Events

Living the High School Dream

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This year’s Prom was held at the Four Seasons Hotel on May 19, 2017. Pulse did a spectacular job organizing the event. The event was called “Wildest Dreams” and it lived up to that title. The atmosphere that night was definitely one to remember.

The music and food during Prom added on to the outstanding event that it was. Pulse brought in a DJ for the night who knew how to please the audience. The food was well suited with multiple vegetarian and non-vegetarian options. The color theme this year was bright purple, which worked well with the other decorations Pulse had put up.

Prom was a truly special night for all who attended. Although it was held in the same venue as last year and had a similar theme as well, that didn’t make it any less magical than a high school prom is expected to be. The two emcees, Bell Feldmayer and Amy Choi, kicked off the evening when they welcomed everyone to Prom and explained the program for the evening.

Mr. Tragert took over soon after and explained the rules for the evening before handing over the microphone to the honorary guest of the evening, Mr. Parker. Mr. Parker kept his speech short and sweet and gave the departing seniors a few words of wisdom, talking about how important a high school experience like this was in life. The seniors, yearning to graduate and start their lives as “adults,” were then surprised by a short video with heart-warming messages from close friends, siblings, and past teachers. The mouth-watering dinner was served subsequently.

When asked about what the most memorable moments were, Sara Quattrocchi answered, “Picture-taking is one of the main parts of the night and taking pictures with friends and departing seniors is always fun.” She continued on and said that Prom was “surprisingly more fun than last year and it went by really fast,” confirming that she had a splendid evening. Marco Fiorito, a member of Pulse, said Prom was “a great success” and commented on the food, saying that it was “absolutely scrumptious” and “just delightful.” He said that the senior walk-in was the best part of the evening as it shined the spotlight on each of the seniors as they walked by. Pulse tries its best to plan the best events possible for the high school body and they had been planning Prom all year, with particularly hard work these past five weeks. Mrs. Barga labeled Prom as a “classy” event, saying that the decorations, venue, theme, and people’s attire were more lavish than at other Proms that she has previously attended.

Although many of the comments about Prom were positive, there were also some critical comments. Quite a few people were discouraged to even attend Prom because of the incredibly high price. Harsh Hemlani related to this when he said that the price was “significantly higher” and that many people he knew “didn’t attend just because of the price.” Sara said that she hopes that Prom is held at the Four Seasons again but agreed with Harsh in the sense that the price was too high. She also said that “not as many people went” and that it “felt smaller” and possibly a little less special because of that fact. Nevertheless, the positive comments outweigh the critical ones and it’s safe to say that those who went did enjoy it. We hope Prom is just as special next year as it was this year.

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