School Events

Honoring Our Own: NHS & NCHS

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Students take their pledge (Photo by Mr. Bott)

This Wednesday, March 2, the National Honor Society and the National Chinese Honor Society both had their induction ceremonies.

Founded in 1921, the National Honor Society (NHS)  recognizes outstanding high school students who exceed in scholarship, leadership, service and character, which means participating in extracurricular activities and maintaining a high GPA. National Chinese Honor Society, similar to National Honor Society, has the same requirements, the only restriction being that the members have to take Chinese as a World Language for four consecutive semesters.

Our own editor-in-chief Stephen Zhou was among the NHS inductees. (Photo by Mr. Bott)

The ceremony took place in 227/228, and a total of 18 members were inducted, seven new members for NCHS and eleven new members for NHS. Parents of the inductees, teachers, Ms. Smith and Mr. O’Hara were all there to witness the proud moments. Junior Eileen Qiu performed a violin song with great finesse and freshman Maria Endara sang the acoustic version of “Fight Song” with beautiful vocals.

The inductees lit candles to represent their admittance into the honor societies, and the inductees in NCHS received certificates while the inductees in NHS received the NHS pin. For each NHS inductee, an NHS member gave a speech about their impressions of the inductee and complimented them on their valuable personality traits. There was laughter and tears were shed, and it was a momentous occasion, ending in cake, M&Ms and chips for everyone in attendance.

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